The next morning after we arrived in California we went to Disneyland right away. So we were kinda tired but I don't really care how tired I am because.. duh? WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY! So we left the house around 6:00 am and arrived in Disney around 10:00 am. It isn't really a long drive from Riverside to Disney it's just because we got caught in the L.A TRAFFIC and we were going to Disney on a MONDAY. Well... bad idea but luckily we arrived after 4 hours of waiting and sitting until our butts hurt but it was worth it.

I can't really say that I REALLY enjoyed the Disney here unlike the first two Disneys I went (Hong Kong Disneyland and Disney World) I did have fun but it's different from my excitement before. The Disneys of different countries have the same rides and stuffs. There might me newer and different rides but everything is still the same. My tip for you, if you want to go to Disneyland again, wait a few more years (been to disney last year in Hong Kong) and if you've been to Disney World, wait a little longer.