THE TIME HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!! I was so close to them but too bad I wasn't able to take a picture with them. Tom Cruise was the first one who arrived so he went inside ahead. While Morgan was being interviewed outside, I went inside the Dolby theater and waited for something exciting to happen. So while waiting, I saw Morgan walking fast towards the door to go inside the cinema where there were only small people around him because like I said, he was walking fast. I ran fast to him with my camera hoping that I can get a picture with him but no.. I wasn't able to take a picture with him BUT! I WAS ABLE TO SHOOK HIS HAND before he went inside. The Morgan Freeman. I could have gave the camera to my dad while running or videoed the whole thing but I was so excited that I just ran towards him. I'm just thankful for how lucky I am. I ain't even mad that we haven't took a picture with the Hollywood sign.